Tag: wordpress
New Look
It’s 2023. And WordPress has its annual theme update thing. I had a thought – how about something a bit new to play with? Let’s see how far it’s come in 3 years since I updated to the twenty-twenty theme back in probably 2019? Sure ’nuff. It’s not fantastic, but it’s interesting! I may fiddle…
Christmas Again
So I guess I could say Merry Christmas. Then again, I WANT to say, “Hey it’s that time of year where I break out my Christmas theme for a blog!” I haven’t done this in a long while, and given that I’ve moved over to WordPress, I wonder if it’s possible. Stay tuned for theme-like…
Super Duper Status Update
It works! I was a bit annoyed that the wordpress atom feed was only XML based. However, I do consider myself pretty good at googling things, and so I found this PHP library called “SimpleXML” which solved a LOT of stuff for me. I used to display the first five Blogger titles on the homepage in…
Blogger Migration
So you may be wondering: what’s up with all these blog redesigns, Daniel? Well, I got sick of Blogger. A whole lot. And about a month ago, I decided to do something about it.
I’ve only had my domain switched from my Blogger to the new WordPress site for a mere two hours and already I have to moderate a spam comment. Didn’t take them long.