Tag: wayfm

  • Jazz Hands needs to OWN the Newsboys “Way Beyond Myself (Remix)”

    Let’s get WayFM’s TotalAxxess remix of Way Beyond Myself (Newsboys) on the top. Head to: http://newsboys.heroku.com/107 and click the Vote! link. Whoever wins the Newsboys Remix contest gets to have that cut on the newest collection release (which Newsboys has way too many of), AND they get a year of some free service…I don’t know what that…

  • Radio DJs

    So I just finished a little research on some of my favorite radio DJ’s from or piped into WayFM. Wally – TotalAxxess (I did some research and FOUND his Youtube channel HERE!) Brant Hansen and the rest

  • 11-22-09

    Two things I’m excited about: I donated $65 to this missions group to provide blankets for new Afghan mothers. Link here. I bought Phil Wickham’s new CD – Heaven & Earth. Now all I have to do is..OH! I need to download vCast to get my phone drivers working again. I like to listen to music off…

  • Brant in Afghanistan

    So I was listening to the friendly dj’s on WayFM, of whom Brant Hanson is in Afganistan is on a short term missions trip. He’s been talking for a couple weeks about ‘donate blankets to new moms and I’ll see that they make it when I go next month. Well, the time for buying blankets…