Tag: school

  • 12-9-09

    Well then! Finals this week and I had a nice day yesterday taking a test on the Classical period of music. Then we have the comprehensive listening test tomorrow which will be our full final. Ha! Maybe if I worked hard enough at it I could….never mind. I can’t even think. Aaaanyway, we got like…

  • jFrame

    A JFrame is a little more than just a regular java app. You must extend and import a bunch of graphics classes included with JDK. To do this you need the following:

  • Programming

    So I got a JFrame app the other day for a plugin on a program. I found out how to change variable values in a text file without a recompile of the java class. Here it is (I did not include the preliminary java declarations/import classes, but they must also be included as usual). The…

  • School


    I started my spring 2008 semester today. And I’m position to tackle it. This semester I’m taking Calculus 3, Physics 2, and Robotics. And after that I’ll have just 6 or 7 hours left for my AS degree.