Tag: programming
DSL and Networking
I’ve always hated self-help books you find at B&N or the library on how to set up your own home network. In short, they always would assume that you had high-speed internet coming into your house and that you could create a standard configuration. However, up until about 30 minutes ago, we were using dialup…
Merry Christmas! Okay, that’s out of the way. Now onto better and cooler things, such as the gingerbread house and presents! The gingerbread house….it went okay! I got it glued together which was very painful, but after that, it was pretty much a piece of cake. Pun. Anyhow, here’s the requested and thereafter promised picture. On…
Simple Update (as if you haven’t gotten enough already)
So I had this job opportunity open up over the weekend for a janitor position at work. All I have to do is call this one lady at the church. I’m planning on doing that tomorrow morning maybe before school. Boy, I hope I can pick up something. On another note: we’re heading over to…
A JFrame is a little more than just a regular java app. You must extend and import a bunch of graphics classes included with JDK. To do this you need the following:
So I got a JFrame app the other day for a plugin on a program. I found out how to change variable values in a text file without a recompile of the java class. Here it is (I did not include the preliminary java declarations/import classes, but they must also be included as usual). The…