Tag: lego
Youtube Update – Belated
Ha! So, update with the Youtube channel thing: I’ve accepted the new beta design thing that they offer. See it at http://www.youtube.com/depwl9992. In addition to that, you may see a couple short (10 second) videos I uploaded a while ago but never announced. Be ready for a couple new ones soon (not Cowman unfortunately. That one’s…
Cowman Preview
The Cowman Preview is up and running. Just a quick update…filming in the generic sense of the word for scenes 1-13 are finished. All we have to do is produce the clips (but since they’re animation clips, it’s actually a simple fast slideshow). I’ll be uploading whenever all filming and animation is completed, whenever that…
And I’ll also embed the “Misc Videos” player here too. Enjoy!
I’ve finally discovered Youtube’s user profile. I’ve had one for a while, but I finally decided to start uploading my videos. Here’s the full-length feature animation of a Star Trek Spoof I did in July, 2007. Acutally it was done by me AND my sister, and she should get some credit. Oh, and also, she’s…