Tag: domain

  • Plex, Synology, Xfinity and Me

    So if your router doesn’t have access to this DNS Rebind Protection business, but you’re still seeing the “Unable to claim” error and you’ve tried everything, see about manually setting the DNS configuration of your actual server machine; not just hoping it will use the ones in your modem or router like it’s supposed to.

  • Expired Domains – A Headache (but a learning experience)

    Hey all! It’s been a few months, I know. But I wanted to share an experience I had with my recent domain name headache. So as you may or may not know, I’ve owned ppsstudios.com since May 2013. I purchased it via Google Apps which in turn set my registrar to eNom. Both are useful services and work…

  • Finally! An internal DNS server that works (for me)!

    So it’s been much too long since I wanted to do this, but thankfully, I have finally discovered the solution for which I can serve up my own DNS server for internal LAN things, but still have an external host that administers my public website! My scenario and quandry was this:

  • A Domain!!

    At last!! I tucked in my shirt, tightened my belt and made the plunge. I am now the proud pseudo-owner of ppsstudios.com! For that reason, I’ve created this Google Sites …site, and then in addition linked THIS blog to blog.ppsstudios.com (mostly because I wanted to try subdomains, to see how easy they were). All the…

  • Everybody Wants a Custom Domain

    So we just finished up a men’s meeting here at church. They’ve got a website, but ever since the main site got its new system, the depts want a custom url