Tag: depwl9992
History It’s interesting that I purchased my old Alienware M14x R2 just to play Minecraft. Years ago, a friend I knew on Achaea said that they really enjoyed Minecraft, and that I should try it out. Well, I totally did, and totally regretted it. That’s because at that time, all I had was my Dell…
It’s time now for another edition of ‘Make My Videos Popular,’ the only blog which promotes depwl9992 and all of his (my) lego animations. As of now, I’ve uploaded around four new videos, all less than 30 seconds in length. They are SlaveDriver, Spaceman, Riding the Horse and JohnWayneMount. I’m going to go there in…
New Videos
Why do I even bother letting you know about these things? Never mind. We’ve got new videos, and the newest has been deemed “HILARIOUS” according to a friend from church, who gave me five stars on it (oh yeah, uh huh, oh yeah (DISCO LINGO)). Anyway, here it is:
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New Videos
New Videos coming soon. Monday, perhaps. The co-animator is making me a preview for Cowman. This is gonna be awesome. I’ll get it uploaded sometime next week (probably Monday), since I don’t have high-speed Internet at home, and even if I did the service we have blocks uTube. So we’ll get it all up and…