Tag: blogger

  • Wasted Space Now Reclaimed

    So I’m looking at the page there..probably the one you’re looking at right now, and I noticed that there was a big blank space to the left of everything. “Well,” I thought, “How can I get the text to stretch that far?” Then I remembered the Edit HTML link in the Layout tab. Went into…

  • danipavliashvili2 is Getting Limelight!

    So I did a vanity search today just to see where this site is going and it turns out that my Myst tutorial on FlyMode was published on Technorati.com. Also, the Georgian characters for the title (the phonetic translation in English is “Danieli Pavliashvili”) got the attention of Holmes.ge with search results on my Photoshop brushes, Camstudio and…

  • 7-30-09 Nothing Interesting

    So maybe I can’t message pictures through my picture messaging service, but maybe it will still work with the 1000 character limit. Air Fighter 4…Mom’s downloading it now onto her blackberry. I’m so excited. Getting worn out from all the racer and puzzle games. Need a bit of violent arcade every once in a while.…

  • SMS Test?

    Well all you thousands of fans out there. I’m limited to 160 chars here, so bear with me. and I’m up to 121 right here -> So yeah. Maybe I’ll think of something

  • Do videos work?

    Do videos work?

    Do videos work? I sure hope so..

  • Last Mobile Test

    Last Mobile Test

    Now then. I’m sure this is getting rather monotonous for those on the feed. But this will be the last one I hope. And hopefully the picture will come through as well

  • Text BLOGGR Test

    This is a test of texting BLOGGR with a message. It doesn’t seem to want to work..at least for the picture I just tried to send, but maybe this one will.

  • Email from phone test

    Alright. This is somewhat of a test to see if it works. I got a new phone and am trying a post using the sms-email feature.