Tag: blogger

  • Blogger Migration

    So you may be wondering: what’s up with all these blog redesigns, Daniel? Well, I got sick of Blogger. A whole lot. And about a month ago, I decided to do something about it.

  • Seriously!?

    I’ve only had my domain switched from my Blogger to the new WordPress site for a mere two hours and already I have to moderate a spam comment. Didn’t take them long.

  • That’s a lot of code I’ve “example’d”

    Not to say it isn’t useful. I certainly hope it is. Oh and it’s that time of year where I switch out blogger templates. Maybe this time I’ll make it more straightforward and automated. Maybe. Which reminds me: this is the first year that my MUSH will be auto-deploying its Christmas theme. Pretty excited for…

  • This Annoying Christmas Theme

    Amazing. I’ve neglected this site so much in the past year that I forgot to take my Christmas theme down and now it’s time to put it back up! Awesome.

  • A Domain!!

    At last!! I tucked in my shirt, tightened my belt and made the plunge. I am now the proud pseudo-owner of ppsstudios.com! For that reason, I’ve created this Google Sites …site, and then in addition linked THIS blog to blog.ppsstudios.com (mostly because I wanted to try subdomains, to see how easy they were). All the…

  • Merry Christmas

    So day after Thanksgiving is when you break out Christmas stuff, right? Well in keeping with my little thing (I won’t call it a tradition), last year, I’ve changed up my blogger template to a Christmast theme. except this year I have a ton more knowledge of CSS, and so I’ve been able to pull…

  • Comments……

    As much as I like comments, I really don’t like them..here. A few days ago I decided to change my comments display settings to show below the post, which involved activating post pages and changing a dumb little setting. And it caused all of my comments to disappear! What’s up with that? So anyway, I…

  • In the Limelight

    It seems this blog thing is getting more and more into the limelight. This word, limelight, comes from the 19th century spotlights of directing a flame at a stick of lime (calcium-oxide, the main ingredient in concrete). The stick would glow and they could reflect the high-intensity light at the performer, orator, etc. Only problem…

  • …….from previous

    Oh..and for those of you who still think it’s boring, I don’t like to rush these things. I like to see if they look good and what I want to change before I go changing everything there is to change. So just be patient.

  • Design

    Merry Christmas! Almost.. Per request for a channel design switch, I’ve done a bit of CSS editing with borders and background images and transparencies. Enjoy!!