Category: Web
Quote the Kid
What is this kid saying? Comment to add your own caption, and we’ll put up a poll in a few weeks maybe to see which one’s the best.
As much as I like comments, I really don’t like A few days ago I decided to change my comments display settings to show below the post, which involved activating post pages and changing a dumb little setting. And it caused all of my comments to disappear! What’s up with that? So anyway, I…
Two new MAJOR developments in my life of social networking and/or online accounts. 1) I discovered a Christian guy named Steve McGranahan who calls himself “The world’s strongest redneck.” He’s got all his videos and beliefs up at 2) Also, even more recently (by a couple hours) I registered with Wikipedia as an editor.…
So since Andrea made HER blog, I gained a few people who were interested in MY blog. But now nobody comments!! I might go and pout or sulk or something. PLEASE go comment? I really like REAL comments. All I get now-days are junk email-like comments advertising things. Or some foreigner who can’t speak a…
More on Skype and Overhead Setups
Well, last night at men’s 6:33 we had our Skype call from Argentina. And it worked…kind of. However, the connection they had down there was extremely poor and our own LAN wasn’t doing so hot for external connections either. However, we did like we had done for when they went to India. We bypassed audio…
…….from previous
Oh..and for those of you who still think it’s boring, I don’t like to rush these things. I like to see if they look good and what I want to change before I go changing everything there is to change. So just be patient.
Merry Christmas! Almost.. Per request for a channel design switch, I’ve done a bit of CSS editing with borders and background images and transparencies. Enjoy!!
Wasted Space Now Reclaimed
So I’m looking at the page there..probably the one you’re looking at right now, and I noticed that there was a big blank space to the left of everything. “Well,” I thought, “How can I get the text to stretch that far?” Then I remembered the Edit HTML link in the Layout tab. Went into…