Category: Youtube

  • 11-09-07

    84% on a math test. Wow I haven’t done that well since, well, College Algebra three or four years ago. This brings my average for Calc 2 up to 82.5%. Looks like I might just pass the class (and get a high GPA to boot). Anyway, it’s Christie’s birthday, so check out for the…

  • Youtube RSS

  • Cowman Preview

    The Cowman Preview is up and running. Just a quick update…filming in the generic sense of the word for scenes 1-13 are finished. All we have to do is produce the clips (but since they’re animation clips, it’s actually a simple fast slideshow). I’ll be uploading whenever all filming and animation is completed, whenever that…

  • New Videos

    New Videos coming soon. Monday, perhaps. The co-animator is making me a preview for Cowman. This is gonna be awesome. I’ll get it uploaded sometime next week (probably Monday), since I don’t have high-speed Internet at home, and even if I did the service we have blocks uTube. So we’ll get it all up and…

  • Youtoo-be

    And I’ll also embed the “Misc Videos” player here too. Enjoy!

  • Youtube

    I’ve finally discovered Youtube’s user profile. I’ve had one for a while, but I finally decided to start uploading my videos. Here’s the full-length feature animation of a Star Trek Spoof I did in July, 2007. Acutally it was done by me AND my sister, and she should get some credit. Oh, and also, she’s…

  • uTube

    I’ve added Youtube to the mix!! Here are a few links from it I enjoy