Category: Uncategorized

  • New Look

    It’s 2023. And WordPress has its annual theme update thing. I had a thought – how about something a bit new to play with? Let’s see how far it’s come in 3 years since I updated to the twenty-twenty theme back in probably 2019? Sure ’nuff. It’s not fantastic, but it’s interesting! I may fiddle…

  • Alternates

    I just re-watched for the umpteenth time Rymdreglage‘s video where they change their name and call it Ninja Moped. It’s stupidly quirky and dumb and the worst thing ever, but it hits that place that tickles my love for weird things. Given that I like random name generators (even “analog” ones like this) a whole…

  • Custom Splash Screen for Minecraft

    Premise Time to play around with the Minecraft splash screen!! I found this tutorial on which is good at detailing the small, finicky nuances of creating a resource pack to change the Minecraft splash screen. HOWEVER, I found that a lot of the details written there were unclear and slightly overkill. Also reverse-engineering any…

  • Minecraft – Upgrading to a 1.16 Server

    Yeah, it’s a big deal with the nether update. Lots of gold farms, lots of new areas, and people are excited to see everything. However, care must be taken when upgrading to Minecraft 1.16. Lots of posts and videos have been made on how to upgrade a singleplayer world, but even more care must be…

  • Eric Whitacre – Deep Field and Virtual Choir 5

    It’s here! It’s finally here!! My third ever participation in the virtual choir experience and Eric Whitacre’s fifth official one (not including the World of Color Honor Choir and the Virtual Children’s Choir).

  • This Annoying Christmas Theme

    Amazing. I’ve neglected this site so much in the past year that I forgot to take my Christmas theme down and now it’s time to put it back up! Awesome.

  • AR.Drone – Infrequently Asked Questions

    AR.Drone – Infrequently Asked Questions

    Just recently (like, yesterday), I received my first (and hopefully long-lasting) AR.Drone 2 from Parrot in the mail! This thing is a four-rotor remote-controlled copter operated with an app on my Android! So far, I can say I’m fairly happy with it, save for the stock battery which, in short, is really really sad. However, with a…

  • Short Intros

    Here are a couple more intro shorts for you to choose from. I’ll update the poll to reflect them: Again, comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • Cookie Man

    Cookie Man

    This is the Cookie Man as we call him. Actually he’s the mil man, but yeah.

  • Haven’t Been Back In a While

    Alright, so I haven’t been back here for a loooong while. Happy New Year!!!!! Anyway, I’m typing this whole thing from my mom’s Blackberry Curve, so forgive me if it seems too short. Nothing really exciting going on, but Brinkster now has Garfield pages allowing you to view favorites, today’s, past strips even including entire…