Category: Programming

  • Do videos work?

    Do videos work?

    Do videos work? I sure hope so..

  • Brinkster

    Alright yew people.  I’ve decided that my website is getting really boring.  You can see how boring here. The story writer is not being hit at all, hardly (probably because of the password protection).  If anyone has any ideas on what to add to it, shoot me (the webmaster) an email on I check it about once…

  • Uru Complete Chronicles Fly Mode

    Okay, so I was looking Myst Uru pictures on Google, and saw that it was possible to get into the big volcano in New Mexico. Plus a bunch of other places that I had never been. Well, I started looking and discovered that it was due to a developer tool called Flymode! Now with the…

  • jFrame

    A JFrame is a little more than just a regular java app. You must extend and import a bunch of graphics classes included with JDK. To do this you need the following:

  • Programming

    So I got a JFrame app the other day for a plugin on a program. I found out how to change variable values in a text file without a recompile of the java class. Here it is (I did not include the preliminary java declarations/import classes, but they must also be included as usual). The…