Category: Programming
DSL and Networking
I’ve always hated self-help books you find at B&N or the library on how to set up your own home network. In short, they always would assume that you had high-speed internet coming into your house and that you could create a standard configuration. However, up until about 30 minutes ago, we were using dialup…
Soundcards and Shoutcast
Yesterday I received an Amazon order in the mail. It was my first ever ExpressCard device! A few years ago, I burned out the left channel on my laptop headphone jack, so if I wanted to listen to anything with a pair of headphones at the library or something, I couldn’t without putting up with…
Can new technology go too far?
The first time the Star Trek people remastered all their videos on DVD, they simply did a straight conversion with maybe a little cleanup. However, with all this new Blu-ray stuff, they’ve remastered it AGAIN and have gone so far as to “digitize” the video, replacing the model Enterprise hanging on strings in the studio…
More on Skype and Overhead Setups
Well, last night at men’s 6:33 we had our Skype call from Argentina. And it worked…kind of. However, the connection they had down there was extremely poor and our own LAN wasn’t doing so hot for external connections either. However, we did like we had done for when they went to India. We bypassed audio…
…….from previous
Oh..and for those of you who still think it’s boring, I don’t like to rush these things. I like to see if they look good and what I want to change before I go changing everything there is to change. So just be patient.
Merry Christmas! Almost.. Per request for a channel design switch, I’ve done a bit of CSS editing with borders and background images and transparencies. Enjoy!!
Wasted Space Now Reclaimed
So I’m looking at the page there..probably the one you’re looking at right now, and I noticed that there was a big blank space to the left of everything. “Well,” I thought, “How can I get the text to stretch that far?” Then I remembered the Edit HTML link in the Layout tab. Went into…
Wowee!! So I get comments from people I don’t know at all. Now THAT’S something. And I also had a request to turn on ‘Blogger Follow,’ which I think is crazy. I like simplicity. Little mandatory pictures all over the place make for clutter. But in light of popular demand, fine. I’ll do that. On…
Malware I just about killed my computer. I picked up malware sometime yesterday at the library and managed to run it at home. Well, it installed itself, force rebooted the computer and loaded under the virus scanner and disabled it. Then it proceeded to lock me out of any other scanning software, my modem and…
Simple Update (as if you haven’t gotten enough already)
So I had this job opportunity open up over the weekend for a janitor position at work. All I have to do is call this one lady at the church. I’m planning on doing that tomorrow morning maybe before school. Boy, I hope I can pick up something. On another note: we’re heading over to…