Category: Life

  • Ministerios de Amor Orphanage

    Hello everyone! In June we (Daniel Powell and Helen O’Connor) have been given an opportunity to travel to Mexico City with a team of up to 15 people from Southgate Church in Fort Collins, Colorado to assist a local church, Restauracion Nueva Jerusalen Church , in renovating a local orphanage run by Ministerios de Amor…

  • My Vicci, Part 2

    Let’s see if I can finish some more of this six months after the fact. That last “I love you” was the last I heard. I waited all day to hear something, assuming Ivy would be able to get my number or contact me eventually, or that Vicci was just super quiet because she was…

  • My Vicci, Part 1

    December 7, 2019 I experienced what I never thought I would so early in life. My girlfriend of five years passed away suddenly due to respiratory and heart failure in her home in Las Vegas. She had stayed home from sick the day before because she could not catch her breath and didn’t feel like…

  • CB Radio

    CB Radio

    I got all inspired when I went camping with my brother-in-law in September. His friend from Fort Collins has a fully tricked out off-road vehicle complete with a CB radio. Well, I got excited about that because, since the late 90’s we’ve had my grandfather’s old Ford van, and he was big on CB, having…

  • Botany v2

    Remember this little guy? Read all about him here! Well guess what! This little orange tree from seed is now an actual tree! It is still alive, and doing very well, save for the periodic bug problem. It occurred to me that having written about it in July 2009 means that I probably planted it…

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • Our Fancy-Pants Pine Tree Hunt

    Our Fancy-Pants Pine Tree Hunt

    I realized only a few days ago that it has been NINE YEARS since we last cut our own tree for Christmas. That record was finally broken today when my sister, her boyfriend, and I went up Rist Canyon and visited the Christmas Tree Ranch.

  • Henderson

    So it turns out I spent the weekend in Henderson, NV with my girlfriend. She is a coach for CCSD, and today (Monday), I am also chilling/hanging out with her at work. Turns out this is relatively boring. However, it’s okay. I found things to do. Such as sit here, filling up her browser history…

  • Foundation, Part II (The Encyclopedists)

    “As you see, gentlemen, something like ninety percent of the treaty boiled right out of the analysis as being meaningless…”

  • Seriously!?

    I’ve only had my domain switched from my Blogger to the new WordPress site for a mere two hours and already I have to moderate a spam comment. Didn’t take them long.