Category: Games

  • Untrodden Snow

    Untrodden Snow

    When I was a child, the snow would fall all pure and deep and white.

  • Shaders in MultiMC Minecraft

    Gathering all of the resources of the Internet, I finally pinned down the technique to install an Optifine shader in an instance of Minecraft from the MultiMC launcher. Specifically since I started playing again in a major way from v1.14.4, installing mods is not as simple as it used to be, and Optifine is no…

  • Minecraft

    History It’s interesting that I purchased my old Alienware M14x R2 just to play Minecraft. Years ago, a friend I knew on Achaea said that they really enjoyed Minecraft, and that I should try it out. Well, I totally did, and totally regretted it. That’s because at that time, all I had was my Dell…

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • Step Seq

    A few days ago I discovered an amazing music program hosted on the game site Kongregate. Apparently the creator, the guy who runs is in some sort of contest for a LOT of money to see who can make the coolest music game on that site. Well, his was on top when I checked a few days…

  • 11-27-09

    Wowee!! So I get comments from people I don’t know at all. Now THAT’S something. And I also had a request to turn on ‘Blogger Follow,’ which I think is crazy. I like simplicity. Little mandatory pictures all over the place make for clutter. But in light of popular demand, fine. I’ll do that. On…

  • Neglected

    Okay, so this thing is seriously neglected, but then again, I’ve been rather busy minding my own business and not fighting with my dialup connection, which I rather think is slow. Anyway, here I be. I just was reminded of this when I decided to get a LinkedIn account created for my job search. And…

  • Linerider 2 Unbound

    Linerider 2 Unbound

    Linerider 2 Unbound is out! And I bought it! New features? Spline tool to make perfectly smooth track. Background tool with layers to make a 3D looking world. Track coloring, game mode, free-design mode, on and on and on. It’s a huge program (2GB of free disk space) for the computer I’m using it on,…

  • Uru Complete Chronicles Fly Mode

    Okay, so I was looking Myst Uru pictures on Google, and saw that it was possible to get into the big volcano in New Mexico. Plus a bunch of other places that I had never been. Well, I started looking and discovered that it was due to a developer tool called Flymode! Now with the…