Category: Computer

  • 11-27-09

    Wowee!! So I get comments from people I don’t know at all. Now THAT’S something. And I also had a request to turn on ‘Blogger Follow,’ which I think is crazy. I like simplicity. Little mandatory pictures all over the place make for clutter. But in light of popular demand, fine. I’ll do that. On…

  • Malware I just about killed my computer. I picked up malware sometime yesterday at the library and managed to run it at home. Well, it installed itself, force rebooted the computer and loaded under the virus scanner and disabled it. Then it proceeded to lock me out of any other scanning software, my modem and…

  • New HDD

    New HDD

    Oh! I forgot to mention! I just got a new hard drive. Let’s see. What was the name of it again? Seagate Freeagent USB Drive. It’s 500GB, so combined with my OTHER one (LACIE Porsche), I have 1TB of total space on external drives. No wait. If I combine that with all of my camera…