Category: Church
More on Skype and Overhead Setups
Well, last night at men’s 6:33 we had our Skype call from Argentina. And it worked…kind of. However, the connection they had down there was extremely poor and our own LAN wasn’t doing so hot for external connections either. However, we did like we had done for when they went to India. We bypassed audio…
Idea for New Computer
So we’re having this BIG thing at church where a group of probably seven to ten guys are going down to Argentina in about a month or so. They’re trying to set it up so that the Tuesday when we’re meeting and they are gone, they’ll Skype us during service and we’ll be able to…
Lack of Lyrics
Ha! This Tuesday we had a great time at the Men’s meeting at church. However, due to a real good worship time, we had to come up with a few songs on the fly. This was a bit difficult, due to the fact that the two we were given ahead of time were put into…
Courageous – The New Movie from Sherwood Pictures
New one! How exciting!
Media Center
Here is a set of photos of the church media center production area (not including store and duplication, which everybody can see if they just come in and buy something).
Two things I’m excited about: I donated $65 to this missions group to provide blankets for new Afghan mothers. Link here. I bought Phil Wickham’s new CD – Heaven & Earth. Now all I have to do is..OH! I need to download vCast to get my phone drivers working again. I like to listen to music off…
Dale Walter
So I’d like to take a moment and give my own memorial to Dale Walter who I considered a good friend. Of course, he considered EVERYONE a good friend, but everyone felt speial after talking with him for any length of time. Anyhow, he died in a car wreck last Wednesday and his memorial service…
Monday Night Football
Monday Night Football at our friend’s in Loveland.
Simple Update (as if you haven’t gotten enough already)
So I had this job opportunity open up over the weekend for a janitor position at work. All I have to do is call this one lady at the church. I’m planning on doing that tomorrow morning maybe before school. Boy, I hope I can pick up something. On another note: we’re heading over to…
Brant in Afghanistan
So I was listening to the friendly dj’s on WayFM, of whom Brant Hanson is in Afganistan is on a short term missions trip. He’s been talking for a couple weeks about ‘donate blankets to new moms and I’ll see that they make it when I go next month. Well, the time for buying blankets…