Ministerios de Amor Orphanage

Hello everyone!

In June we (Daniel Powell and Helen O’Connor) have been given an opportunity to travel to Mexico City with a team of up to 15 people from Southgate Church in Fort Collins, Colorado to assist a local church, Restauracion Nueva Jerusalen Church , in renovating a local orphanage run by Ministerios de Amor . This project is a team effort from Southgate Church and is being spearheaded by Daniel’s sister and her husband, Andrea and Andy Rudy.

While there, the team will be helping with some major, long-overdue renovation of the orphanage compound which is extremely run down from constant use, as well as cooking, cleaning, and ministering to around 50 girls who have made their home there.

The trip will last one week from June 21 to June 29, 2024, and we are asking for support to cover the cost. In total, Southgate estimates a need of $1250 per person ($2500 for the both of us) which will cover travel, accommodations, and a financial gift for Nueva Jerusalen Church. Any abundance we will include as our donation to Nueva Jerusalen.

Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration and support!

Here’s a link to the PDF of the trip schedule


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